Banquet Information
Holiday Inn – Valley View
3315 Ordway Drive
Roanoke, VA 24017
June 8, 2024
Celebration begins at 6pm.
Note: this is the Holiday Inn by the airport. More information and directions is available here.
Reservations: $114/night. Block closes May 8
Dinner Information
In order to give our guests a nice dinner at a reasonable rate, we are opting for a caterer to provide a buffet dinner for us. Selections include:
Assorted Cheese & Cracker Tray Salads Tossed Greens & Dressings Mustard Potato Salad Summer cucumber & onion Entrées Eggplant Parmesan Burgundy Beef Tips w/Pasta Chef’s Carving Station Roast Breast of Turkey | Vegetables Honey Glazed Carrots Broccoli spinach casserole Baked potatoes Desserts Carrot cake Strawberry shortcake |
Coffee, Iced Tea and Lemonade
Dinner Reservations
Reservations for table of no more than 10.
Reservations and payment due: June 3
Download reservation form here and return completed form with all checks/money orders made out to “CFA Southern Region” to:
Linda Peterson
13534 Mallard Watch Way
Clifton VA 20124
Contact Linda with any questions at
No PayPal or credit card payments will be accepted. Please waive signature on express mail.
(updated March 18, 2024)