
Donna Wilbanks will be collecting all sponsorships. Please contact her at  Wotawe2000@yahoo.com   or call her at 864-710-5438 before placing a sponsorship just to make certain that the sponsorship is still available. One sponsorship per cat.  And YES if you want to sponsor a cat which hasn’t been sponsored yet, you can certainly get that information from Donna.   She will be updating the list every few days.

Regional Awards Sponsorship list

Kittens, Championship, and Premiership Breed Winners List

DM and GoD Sponorships

Regional wins: $45
DMs: $40
GoDs: $40
Breed Wins: $10 each/3 for $25.00
Agility:  $30

Sponsorship Deadline: May 26

Please pay by check and send your payment to:

Karen Boyce
85074 Majestic Walk Blvd
Fernandina Beach, FL 32034

(make checks payable to CFA Southern Region)

All sponsorships submitted & paid for by deadline will be included in the show program. ALL sponsorships will be posted on the website after the banquet.

List of cats to sponsor/sponsored will be available after the end of the season.

(updated May 15, 2024)

Home of the Southern Stars